THRIVE: A Mentorship & Mastermind For Doulas In Their First 12 Months.

From New Doula Lacking Confidence, To Wise & Self Assured Birth Professional
Thriving In Life & Business
Are you a newly graduated doula in your first 12 months of business?
You’re here because you have heard the call of birthwork.
You’re a graduate Doula and are about to leap off what feels like the biggest cliff of your life, stepping out on your own after after completing training.
You’re feeling both terrified and exhilarated!
This work is your calling and I’m here to help you find the confidence within you to build your passion into a successful and sustainable sacred business.
You feel an ongoing block in transitioning from your doula training to running a business.
Perhaps your training didn’t prepare you for the realities and how to actually make it work, or perhaps you were given an adequate understanding, but the physical realities vs the theory is very different.
You wish you didn’t feel so uncertain about everything and you felt confident that you were doing the right things to ensure your business will succeed.
You know you need to understand and learn more about business to make this calling impactful and profitable but if feels icky to you and you feel blocked about having to do that!
You’re lacking confidence and don’t feel good enough and you struggle with the business side.
You struggling with the idea that you have to get serious about business and marketing and you just wish you didn’t have to.
You feel like you don’t know enough or aren’t good enough and feel like potential clients might see through you and expose you as a fraud.
You’re feeling ready to thrive in life and birth business with confidence and ease but you’re not quite sure where to start and the steps to take to hasten your success.
Now that you’ve finished your studies, you’ve found yourself second guessing your abilities; you question whether you’re cut out for this work or have what it takes to turn this calling into a profitable business.
You’re feeling anxious and uncertain about the future. The realities of doula business has turned out to be a lot more challenging than you expected, and you’ve realised that all the theory and learning, whilst necessary, hasn’t really prepared you for handling it in real life.
Perhaps you’re wondering who you can talk to about how you’re feeling, especially after a birth when things haven’t gone to plan? You really want to have someone experienced support and guide you through what steps to take next.
You felt fairly confident throughout your training when you had a like-minded community and experienced professionals to access, but now you’ve graduated (or have stepped out to start taking on births) and you feel like you’ve been left to sink or swim without any type of compass and life-saving device to help you navigate and survive.
Despite many interviews, you’re struggling to get potential clients to actually commit and you’re feeling deflated.
You don’t know where to start in building your business and feel overwhelmed at all the necessary steps you think you need to take
You don’t know how to make being on-call work for your life and family
You know you love birth but don’t want to (or can’t) be on call and aren’t sure if you can do anything else.
Perhaps you’re feeling nervous about attending your first birth and anxious about all of the facets of how to support your client in the moment.
Perhaps you’re feeling burnt out. Are you burning the candle at both ends but still feel like you’re not booking the clients you need, or making the money you would like to be?
You feel lost and isolated in this new field trying to find ways to keep yourself motivated and get seen by your ideal clients.
You’re investing into your business and completely passionate about birth work but not in a position to be able to leave your day-job yet and it’s a cycle of dissatisfaction about where your energy is going.
You feel like you’re pushing yourself to be seen in a way that doesnt feel authentic to you.
You want to get rid of gross marketing techniques and stop feeling like you’re ‘selling’ yourself.
You want to have fun, laugh and enjoy your work instead of being stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or pressured.

I was just like you a few years ago.
My training did NOT set me up for the real world of this work!!
Even if your training did give you the theoretical tools, this work can be a rollercoaster and the real world can be very very different!
What if I told you that it IS possible to build a thriving and sustainable birth business from your sacred calling?
That it IS possible to wake up with joy knowing you are here to serve women and birthing people in a way that sparks joy.
That no matter what circumstances you are faced with in this every changing birth culture, you can have the confidence and the connections to be the best professional doula you can possibly be.
We NEED you to follow this call, for yourself, to help create a world that we all want to live in, now and into the future.
- Honour your calling and build a life and business of your dreams. Finally get paid for your sacred work that we desperately need in this world.
- Begin to feel confident to truly understand what your gift looks like in the world as a packaged offering that looks and feels good and is aligned with your desires.
- Get on a path to building a profitable and sustainable business, using your natural healing and nurturing gifts that honours an equal energy exchange and the value of financial sustainability.
- Become so clear on who you are, what you desire and what you are building. You will feel confident and ready to step out into the world with your gifts and your offerings without hesitation, without fear and without blocks.
- Make your business work for you and your family.
- Plan your business around how you want your life to feel, rather than the other way around.
- No longer feel like this sacred women’s work, healing work and birth work are to be given by sacrificing anything for yourself or your family.
- Build a profitable business that means you can leave other work commitments that don’t light you up.
- Stop trying to emulate others doing similar work. It doesn’t work, and you know it doesn’t because your business doesn’t feel authentic and you feel paralysed.
- Get clear and aligned from the inside out so that your business will mirror how your feel on the inside. Your business is YOU after all.
- Get unblocked and remove overwhelm from all the business and financial realities by truly understanding your gifts, your worth and your desires.
- Stop having meetings that end in crickets, start believing in the power of ‘no’ and Start attracting your ideal clients who say yes on the first meet and who YOU say yes to as well.
- Start feeling confident in your work, without the constant plague of doubt in your mind that you are not meeting any external expectations. You are here with a gift and you are here to serve. This is what you shall do, no need for disbelief in your ability or your value.
- Build a community that supports the foundations of your success.
- Feel completely and utterly worthy, competent and confident in your ability to hold space in all circumstances of this sacred work.
Thrive in life and business with strength, passion, confidence and freedom.

So why am I so passionate about this work?
I’m Katherine, I live to see birth professionals not only survive in this work, but to truly thrive.
I have been working in birth and social work for over a decade.
I have been in awe of birth and women’s mysteries and power since as long as I can remember. I know that I was called to this work from very young. It wasn’t until 2009 that I was reminded of this calling. And then the calling got stronger and I couldn’t not follow.
After getting to know my local birth community and excitedly finding out that I didn’t have to go to uni again to become a Doula I quickly realised that Doula work was not recognised, reputable let alone profitable or sustainable, especially compared to my social work background. But I couldn’t let it go so I quickly left my almost-complete Masters degree and enrolled in midwifery. I believed that this would give me not only the opportunity to follow my call but also build a sustainable and profitable business of my dreams.
How wrong I was.
The culture of midwifery was not how I first knew it to be, and I live in one of the most complicated birth cultures in the world. So almost immediately I knew it wasn’t for me.
It took me a year, and a lot of deliberating to finally admit defeat. The calling was still there, but it wasn’t midwifery. I grieved and I grieved hard. I went back to social work and enjoyed supporting young people as a school counsellor… which often led to a lot of discussions leading to birth and menstruation; my soul work was still very much calling me.
With a background in mental health I was horrified at the exponentially rising rates of burn-out (chronic stress resulting in emotional and physical fatigue), trauma and PTSD being experienced not only my birthing people and their families, but also by the incredible birth professionals who were caring for them. This also didn’t completely surprise me given that I saw it first hand as a midwifery student and was part of the reason to leave the profession. I saw first hand midwives and students witnessing massively traumatic events, being bullied and even assaulted without any support, debriefing let alone any consequences or changes to prevent it from happening again. Midwives were graduating their degree already carrying fear and feeling unsupported when they felt overwhelmed. This is backed up by a number of recent studies showing that birth professionals are experiencing high rates of personal and professional burn out, trauma and PTSD and carrying fear of childbirth and fear of litigation lowers their confidence in supporting their patients/clients. In addition, around 1 in 3 mothers/birthing people are suffering from birth related PTSD so trauma and fear are rife in our birth culture with no end in sight.
While we don’t have the specific data on doulas, we can surmise that these statistics would be relevant in these fields outside of midwifery. In addition, doulas and other birth professionals have long been undervalued and underpaid adding to their risk of burn-out and overwhelm due to being unsustainable in the long-term.
After the birth of my first baby I felt the pull to reconnect with birth work, starting with placenta preparation work, counselling/birth planning and then back to attending births. I also went on to support Angela Gallo in writing and teaching her world wide gold-standard doula training. After many years of birth work and supporting other birth professionals from all walks of life I am feeling pulled again to contribute toward the sustainability and longevity of this profession.
Being able to truly thrive in this work means first finding the clarity on what it is you are here to do- not the doula down the road, or anyone else. This is about YOU and your core desires. I want to see the profession built up with a strong and solid reputation. For us to unite as profession with a shared collective message.
May you create a community that sustains you and harness the power of your internal alignment to truly thrive.
I have seen birthworkers come and go. I have seen doula work go from an unknown ‘hobby’ job, to a sought after reputable profession. We have seen midwifery, bodily autonomy and birth choices take a massive hit. In 2019 BIPOC are still far more likely to die in childbirth than white women. Women and birthing people are increasingly suffering from birth trauma and PDN and the landscape and politics of birth has become more and more complex. We need doulas and passionate birth professionals now more than ever! The fact that we are seeing celebrities, even royalty proudly proclaim their use of doulas shows how far we’ve come….
Yet we are still seeing far to many birth professionals burn out before they even get to the 12 months mark in their career. We are still seeing unsustainable practices that leave individuals unable to continue their work. We are seeing doulas do things in the sacred birth space that not only makes her clients shudder and feel disappointed, but that affects the entire profession. No one wants to be that doula!
Far too many birth professionals are practising in isolation, feeling disconnected and unable to process the myriad of emotions and complex situations they are experiences.
Build an aligned and balanced life and birth business that feels good.

this is NOT a doula training!
(If you are looking for a doula training, check out Angela Gallo's Dynamo Doula Training)
We know that continuity of care is the gold standard to see long term benefits for all involved, yet, we forget that birth professionals need to be cared for and supported in exactly the same way!
While I don’t believe in doula regulation, I believe that as doulas we have an immense responsibility to take care of ourselves and put our personal and professional development at the forefront of our priorities because only then will we be able to joyfully (without resentment) continue this work for the long term.
This program offers a continuity of care model for new doula graduates to feel fully seen, heard and held just as we wish new mothers to feel. When this support is modeled to carers, it is far more easily translated into their work!
Just as you are called to support newborn mothers, I am called to support newborn doulas.

Together we will initiate solid foundations of boundaries, vital debriefing and troubleshooting, clarify and focus in their soul purpose. I help them unblock unworthiness and continue to build a sustainable thriving business with ease to keep pouring from a full cup.
birthworkers find clarity and reclaim their inner power to sustain and enjoy their soul work. From burnout and overwhelm to sustainable and joyful birth-business and life flow.
"A Gram of Experience Is Worth A Ton of Theory”
Your training only takes you so far.
Then you are on your own….
But You cannot do this work alone.
You cannot do this work for free.
You cannot do this work without honouring your own needs.
You cannot do this work without being seen.
Just as the landscape of birth is changing, we as doulas and birth professionals needs to grow and move with the times.
So what does that look like?
Many birth professionals are leaving their training with incredible tools and wisdom about the facets of birth and the perinatal period but have been left dry with regard to truly feeling confident to navigate the complex situations that they will face.
If only you had a birth business bestie who could walk with you and support you to build you confidence and talk through each step to maximise your potential, your success and your sustainability in this work by building a rock-solid foundation in those first 12 months!

Thrive for Doulas is the first of its kind!
It is NOT a training program. You will not learn the basics of HOW to be a doula, you already ARE a doula.
THRIVE is an exclusive intensive training and one-of-a-kind mentoring program for doulas who are in the first 12 months of starting their birth business. In a continuity of care model nourishing you as an individual, we will set rock-solid foundations in these early stages to kick-start your success and long-term joy in this work.

The Highlights
12 weeks of intensive learning
12 weeks of Live and Audio training sessions, Q & A Coaching and Journal prompts to support ongoing deeper work.
Recorded Training sessions
For deeper integration of lessons and group calls and allowing you to go at your own pace.
All the tools and resources you need to begin
Practical resources, information and materials to keep and use for the future. From business tools, self care kits, planning resources to educational material for your clients.
Bonus Content
including guest calls from wise and seasoned birthworkers, Rituals, Self Care Strategies, Alignment Tools and much much more.
Support in a Private Group
Deep connecting with other doulas to grow together and support one another. Access to the private and intimate facebook group of like minded doulas. The numbers are strictly limited and in order to foster the greatest results.
Thriving for the long haul
A lifetime of thriving in your soul work.

Together we will unpack what it means to be a birth professional and navigate the steps that help create a profitable and sustainable birth business.
Discover and reprogram the 10 most common/little known mistakes that newly graduated birth professionals make that block them from building a thriving, sustainable and enjoyable sacred business and life.
- You will be supported in times of stress, conflict, trauma and challenging situations to debrief and feel held so that that you don’t feel alone and carry the stress into other births/work
- You will go deep into your own story so that you can pull out and transform any blocks that are stopping you from achieving your desires.
- You will gain a community of other kindred birthwork allies who will support you (and you them) on this journey to troubleshoot and feel seen and heard amongst others on the same path.
- You will be crystal clear on what your unique gifts are and how to package them into an irresistible offering that not only speaks to and attracts your dream clients, but has them feel compelled to work with only you.
- You will gain the critical tools and knowledge needed to build a profitable and sustainable business, so that you can both honour your calling AND make a prosperous living.
- You will no longer have fear around your purpose in this work and your ability to shine as you step into the role.
- You will align with your inner personal desires to build a business that works for you and for your family.
- You will no longer experience those unworthy, shameful or uncomfortable feelings for charging a living wage for your innate nurturing and healing gifts.
- You will be given the tools to build a profitable business that means you can leave other work commitments that don’t light you up or drains you
- You will no longer have fear about being unsupported about the challenges in the current culture of birth.

If you already know that this is for you, come right this way...

Thrive For Doulas is for you if:
- You are in your first 12 months of birth business (or returning after a long break)
- You are ready to fast track and kick start this incredible life that is waiting for you
- You are ready to do the work (inner and outer) to succeed
- You consider yourself a birthworker with professional and ethical standards, who practices with integrity and understands the value of their work in this world.
- you are looking for someone to hold your space in a sacred and safe container as you plant seeds, ground, immerse, dive deep as you begin this new journey
- If you are willing to embrace and never avoid or push away discomfort. To be willing to delve into your shadow side and all that might arise..
- You’re determined to do whatever it takes to feel the freedom you crave.
- You are driven, high achieving and ready to blaze your own trail to freedom.
- You want to be living the best life you can, sharing your gifts with the world and feeling fulfilled from a balanced
- You do not need me, and you know it. You are whole and have valuable gifts to share with the world. I’m just here to walk with you on this path.
- You want to be the best you can be and live the best life you can but know that we cannot reach all of our goals alone. We were not meant to live this life in a bubble. You know you need someone else to journey with you who can keep you accountable, offer you a mirror back on things that need addressing, and another pair of eyes to see things you may not be able to see. This is very important if you are in a rut or at a cross road, or if you are looking to increase the success of your business. No successful people achieve what they do without a team of wise guides and advisors. If you are committed to success, you need to invest in yourself and those who will help you get there.
- You want to blaze some trails, shake some feathers and bring your own unique magic into the world to be seen and enjoyed. You don’t like to play by the rules, but do enjoy and love the container of structure and processes that help you continue to flow without dilution or fracture of your energy.
- You love to laugh, you don’t take yourself too seriously and you want things to be fun and pleasurable. Even hard work and challenging experiences can be joyful and bring about fits of snort-laughs.
- You love to chat about a myriad of topics from astrology, numerology, magic and spells, tarot and oracles to science, evidence, the latest statistics to feminist politics, the power of language, your menstrual cycle and sexuality to what might be trending on youtube. Everything goes and nothing is taboo. Things will often stray toward spiritual and esoteric discussions.
- You don’t need hand holding or external motivation. You are independent and willing to do the work required to make the quantum leap that you are ready for and most definitely deserving of.
- Success to you looks like happiness. Success without happiness is empty and not worth the effort. It is not an outcome, but the journey and it is not specifically measurable to you but more a ‘feeling’
- You love a challenge!! You love to challenge yourself, try new things and are open to things that make you feel that pang of fear that only comes when you’re moving out of your comfort zone.
- You are not vanilla. You are not like everyone else. You are willing to do whatever it takes to showcase your unique self and not fit into any sort of box or copy the same boring mold of so many others in the same field. You are the rebel, the black sheep, the witch, the misfit and there is no one else like you. Let’s join forces fellow black sheep! With all our black sheep powers combined, we will heal the world a little more and help those others still hiding away in the broom cupboard to feel safe to come forward and shine their rebel gifts on the world with us.
- You are open to hearing honest truths and to being uncomfortable! Being uncomfortable is such a fucking amazing gift, and you will learn how to harness your shadows to catapult you into your dreams.
- Your want to help create the world that you want to live in.
- If you want to live a life in alignment with your soul. A life in full flow. To fully embody and integrate your learning into your own unique rhythm
- If you are ready to make real and sustainable changes despite our patriarchal constructs
- If you are keen to learn more about your connection with the earth, the moon and the seasons.
- If you are ready for deep cellular change
- If you are READY to reclaim, to remember, to be authentically you, to elevate, and rise!
- If you are ready to find and seek pleasure in your own life
- This program for you if and on if you say a big HECK YES!
This program is for you if you consider yourself to be a change-maker, a pioneer, a rebel soul, a radical, a creative an intuitive and/or a sensitive action taker!
Are you ready to thrive and shine in your life and business?
THRIVE For Doulas is
NOT for you if:
- You are not in your first 12 months of doula/birth business (or are not returning from a long break)
- You have not completed any doula training whatsoever
- You are not willing to acknowledge the importance of your messaging, positioning, branding, marketing and money mindset on your ability to have a sustainable business- or are not willing to be flexible in your beliefs
- You are not willing to put yourself first and make self care and your own personal and professional development first before others (because this truly matters!)
- You are not willing to put safeguards and boundaries in place for yourself, your business and for those you are working with
- You are not ready for transformation or change
- You are unsure and are not completely, fully and no-turning-back HECK YES-ing this page.
- you are not yet ready to embrace the things that make you uncomfortable- but that propel you into growth
- You do not want to unite as a collective doula profession and work together with the same message (of professionalism, integrity, worthiness and being unattached to any regulatory body)
- You do not see how your actions as a single doula/professional can affect the whole profession
- If you do not feel a deep connection with the earth and innate wild self that you want to explore further
- If you want to remain in the place that you are because growth or change is too scary and hard.
- If you are not willing to do the work (I will not do it for you)
- If you are looking purely for external ‘things’ to make you feel better- this work is all about the magic that already lies within you! We will work together to unearth it and find the way you want to put it to best use.
- For a long term relationship where you desire hand holding every step of the way- this is about you learning how to fly on your own
- If you are not willing to try new things
- You are not ready to see your business grow and find its own legs to move and grow.

Kind Words:

I don’t know what I would have done without your support through these early birth experiences...
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I cannot explain how much you have helped me. I don’t know what I would have done without your support through these early birth experiences. To be honest I might have even been put off from doing this job all together. I probably would have been put off getting more clients and attending any more births. Your support has been really helpful to navigate through it all and help me to stay calm, not get stressed or overwhelmed.
(1:1 Mentoring throughout a specific birth experience)
Dani L // Doula in the first 12 months

She is incredible...
The work Katherine and I did has been life changing.
I can't recommend her highly enough and honestly wish I could pocket her and have her whisper wisdom to me all day!!
She is incredible.
(1:1 Coaching)
Gemma // Doula

I feel as though I am ready to take on clients, build my business, offer my services and support women. I feel as though I honor my energy and things flow much more now...
"Before I did Thrive I felt like I needed more support, more preparation and really needed to be able to turn to someone experienced and who I trusted. I felt as though I had a lot more to learn when it came to this work and like the support of other doulas that I trained with wasn't enough as we were all on the same level. I felt like I needed some guidance when it came to business stuff and as though I had no idea where to start with it all. I was feeling very blocked when it came to social media and lacked confidence and worth to really show up. I felt as though I didn't know how to go about finding clients. I felt as though I wanted to continue my personal growth and do more inner work to help me in this journey….
I now feel like I have so many valuable resources and knowledge to help me with my business. I feel like I have an amazing community and support network. I felt as if I have been totally held as I worked my way through all the struggles and realisations that come with starting a business, doing doula work and working on myself…. I believe I am infinitely worth and deserving of everything I want and desire. I feel much more ready to start my business - much more prepared. I feel as though I am ready to take on clients, build my business, offer my services and support women. I feel as though I honor my energy and things flow much more now” Thrive Student
Hannah Goding // Doula in her first 12 months

I was not getting what I needed from my doula training...
I was not getting what I needed from my doula training. After doing Thrive I just feel really content. I feel more prepared. I just have this sense of knowing and being more confident.
Thrive Student // Doula

I ended up with a tonne more than expected...
I had hoped to gain some clarity and for my knowledge-of-self to expand.. I ended up with a tonne more than expected. I am very grateful for the opportunity.This program was a well balanced combination of online community support and self-directed learning. Katherine was always quick to respond to queries, comments and concerns, and nothing was ever too much or too hard.
Michelle Bohatko // Doula in her first 12 months
What we will cover
This 12-week intensive program is JAM-PACKED with value! You will also have the option to remain part of the community and keep the learning going even after the 12 weeks have ended.
Over the 12 weeks, we work in depth through each pillar of the Birthworker Business Blueprint to ensure each step has been covered and is implemented into your business in your own unique way.
This Blueprint and checklist is a unique offering that I have made as a result of seeing so many similar challenges being faced by birthworkers. I have made it freely available through my website for all birthworkers to download to ensure they have the solid foundations for a thriving doula business.
YOU as a Doula.
Dive deep into your inner world .
Your story and your reasons for entering this work
Your triggers, patterns, blocks, fears
Your desires and dream life
Your energetic compass and individual compass of alignment
The importance of community and support networks
How to build your community to suit YOUR unique alignment and your business
Professional Practice.
Scope of practice
The Art of Holding Space
How to embody the meaning of holding space, not just for your clients and their families but also for yourself.
Client Map.
Who do you serve?
Who do you want to work with? Who do you NOT want to work with?
How to find them
The knock back vs the hell yes
Knowing the line between offering value and giving too much
Real-Life Doula Practice
What Doula work actually looks like; what you believe it to be vs how you want to action it in YOUR own unique way
Prenatal preparation
Preparing for a birth
At the birth
After the birth
Postnatal work and beyond
How to navigate a situation where you feel in over your head.
Self Care and Sustainability
How to protect your energy, avoid burn out and ensure that you can keep doing this work for a long time.
Money Mindset & Manifesting
The keys to manifesting abundance that no one talks about
How to turn your purpose into a prospering sacred service
Unblock your money mindset and build a business that gives back to those who need it most, without taking from your energy or your family
Navigating Challenging Circumstances
How to troubleshoot and debrief challenging situations
Your Business
Deciding on what to offer and how to structure your offerings
Ideal clients
What to charge
Utilising technology and social media to maximise your business that feels good and works for you
Contracts & interviews
Birth plans and working with clients
You will receive a whole lot of bonuses from me (including resources, rituals, self care practices, planning tools and much more) as we connect together in regular teaching and FAQ sessions. You will be able to personalise and individualise your experience by asking questions and discussing things that directly relate to your work as you are doing it!
This is a program to set you free!!
To feel completely and unabashedly joyful and free! To not only do the work you love and are called to do on this earth, but to also get paid for it and be able to live the life you desire and deserve.
Katherine Eden-Lech // Doula Educator
I coach birth professionals, circle keepers and sacred business owners who want to thrive in life and business. To build a profitable and sustainable business their way, that feels aligned from the inside out.
This work has been calling me for many many years and it has taken me until now to finally follow the drums of my soul.
I have professional qualifications & experience in Psychology, Social Work, School Counselling, Doula Services, Placenta Encapsulation, Childbirth Education, Reiki/Energy Healing, Circle Facilitation & Doula Training (as a content creator, educator & mentor)
I look forward to meeting you!
Your Investment
What will it cost you to stay where you are?
.....What is it worth to you start living your dream life?
What do you stand to lose if you are not doing this work in 12 months time?
What are you willing to invest to ensure that your soul work is built on solid foundations?
What would you pay to fast track yourself into a thriving birth business that sets you apart because you are in it for the long haul without the floundering and overwhelm?
Thrive is an energy exchange that costs about that of a holiday. A holiday that you will be able to plan for with ease very soon as your business begins to prosper.
Pay in full or on a payment plan!
Spots are Strictly limited to keep the group small and intimate to more easily deep dive with each individual participant.

Investment of $1499 or 3 monthly payments
(If you are a Dynamo Doula, send me an email for a special offer)
Secure Checkout
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer payment plans
I have not yet completed my training, can I still participate?
I am in another time zone and may not always be able to attend live, will calls be recorded?
Thrive has sold out for this round, how can I join?
Do you offer refunds if I change my mind?
I have another question not listed here...
Copyright 2019, Katherine Eden-Lech