May 25

Empowerment is never yours to give.


Someone else cannot empower you.⁣
You cannot empower someone else!⁣
Empowerment is not something you can give, it is something that only you as an individual can access within yourself because that is where it resides. ⁣
Someone else can support you and walk with you on your journey to be seen and heard in your vulnerability but empowerment does not come from anywhere external, it come from within. From connection to your infinite worthiness and belief that you are powerful, magical and deserving of love. From your willingness to be vulnerable and from deep connection with others, with nature and with your wild inner self. ⁣

To all birth professionals and sacred circle keepers, be mindful of the language you use. Many don’t even know what it means to feel empowered so can create an unhealthy power balance in the relationship (ie dependency, dis-empowerment) if they think their power is coming from you and not them.⁣

Your clients have the power within them to empower themselves, your role is to hold safe energetic space, offer resources and open up the belief of possibilities for them as they find that place of power.⁣


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